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Aldemar Weimaraners
Past Litter and Puppies

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Clay X Katie litter
Bred 09-01,02,03-2007 / Whelped 11-04-2007

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CH Bzyfeet American Idol            CH Aldemar's Quick To Chaos

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Day 60 of Pregnancy

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Litter of 5 bitches and 4 dogs 11-04-2007

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Litter 2 weeks old, getting bedding changed

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Litter 3 weeks old, feeding like a bunch of little pigs

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Litter 4 weeks old, napping after lunch

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Litter 5 weeks old, investigating the kitchen

Conformation Practice

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Puppy Blue

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Puppy Lime

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Puppuy Green (Darla)

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Puppy Periwinkle (Misty)
"GCH CH Aldemar's Twentieth Century Fox"

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Puppy Lt. Blue

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Puppy Red (Mobley)
"CH Aldemar's Tyrolean Descent"

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Puppy Black

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Puppy Gold

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Puppy Mauve

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All rights reserved